Congratulations to WWF-Ukraine for winning the UN’s Global Compact 2020 Partnership for Sustainable Development Award for their Coexistence for Conservation Project.
Posted on 04 Dec 2020
Promoting coexistence and preventing human-wildlife conflicts.
Congratulations to WWF-Ukraine for winning the United Nation’s Global Compact 2020 Partnership for Sustainable Development Award in the “Planet” category for their Coexistence for Conservation Project! Sixteen electric fences were installed during the year to protect property, livestock and bee hives from large carnivores as a means to promote co-existence and prevent human-wildlife conflicts. Since the fences were erected, there has not been any damage to those people's property from large carnivores. As part of the project, training videos were made to raise awareness of sustainable coexistence practices with bears, wolves and lynx, and develop better tolerance for large carnivores among tourists, hunters, beekeepers and foresters. WWF-Ukraine is working to conserve the remaining 300 bears and 500 lynx in the country.