Invitation: "Bioenergy in the EU" webinar

Posted on 18 Jun 2024
WWF Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and WWF European Policy Office (EPO) cordially invite you to a webinar on “Bioenergy in the EU: responsible planning and policy making at Member State level” on the 26th of June, 15:30-17:00 CEST.

Did you know that the energy source with highest share in the EU renewable energy mix is woody biomass, with a share of ~35%? There is not much talk about wood-based bioenergy, but if we take climate change and biodiversity loss seriously, then we really need to start discussing it.

Member States are currently in the process of transposing and implementing the recently amended Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and drafting their revised National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), which should set them on a path to reaching their 2030 climate and energy targets. They should also be reviewing their national Long Term Strategies (LTSs) and will be developing detailed national policies relating to biomass use for the years ahead.

These processes are crucial if bioenergy is to make a positive contribution to tackling the climate and biodiversity crises, rather than exacerbate them. Particularly given that the criteria in the RED remain completely inadequate in this regard, and that Member States have considerable freedom on what sources of bioenergy to support and what additional criteria to apply.

The webinar

In the past year civil society organizations have been active in developing a range of factsheets, reports and other resources with information and recommendations for governments on biomass sustainability. In this open public webinar, analysis and recommendations from Fern, the Partnership for Policy Integrity and WWF will be presented and discussed.

Why Joining?

The webinar will be of interest to all those engaged in the development of bioenergy policies in the EU and their implementation at national level, from EU, national, regional and local authorities to businesses, investors, academics and civil society organisations.


  • Why national plans and policies for bioenergy are vital to effective climate action, Alex Mason, WWF EPO
  • Partnership for Policy Integrity's analysis of draft NECPs and LULUCF sinks, Mary S. Booth, PFPI
  • Wiser with Wood - Fern and Client Earth’s guide on how to transpose the EU’s revised RED to better protect forests, the climate, public health and other wood-using industries, Martin Pigeon, Fern
  • Planning and policy recommendations on biomass at national level, Adam Harmat, WWF-CEE:
  • Q&A and discussion
  • Closing

Register here


Should you have any questions, please contact us at